Don’t Wait To Buy Real Estate – Buy Real Estate And Wait!
Check out this month's Market Minute to discover why waiting to buy real estate isn't the best strategy—and why you should buy now and let time work in your favor.
Why Waiting to Buy Might Be a Scary Option
Tune in to this month's market minute to learn why waiting to buy may be a scary option!
Regardless of Real Estate Dynamics Personal Financial Capabilities or Risk Tolerance There is ALWAYS a Way to Win in Real Estate
Tune into this month's market minute to learn how there is always a way to win in real estate.
It’s the Summer Slowdown...but Still Hot for Buyers and Sellers
Tune into this month's market minute to learn more about our current trends line and what buyers and sellers can expect to see in the 2nd half of 2024
Fundamental Real Estate Truths and How Using the Right REALTOR® Ensures Your Success
Tune into this month's market minute to learn about the current truths of our real estate market and how as your REALTOR® I still help buyers and sellers successfully navigate these challenges and craft a winning strategy.
Advocacy In Action
Tune in to this month's market minute to hear what your REALTORS® and state representatives are doing to positively impact the housing market. Not all brokers are REALTORS®, fighting at the local, state, and national levels to protect property rights and support legislative efforts in favor of the real estate industry and the communities in which we live and serve.
Don't Let the Lawsuit Confuse You...Buyers & Sellers Need To Have Their Own Representation
Tune in to this month's market minute to learn about agency representation and why it's critical for both buyers and sellers.
Limited Inventory & Rates in the 8's Make the Prospect of Buying a Home Scary...But ItDoesn’t Have to Be
Tune into this month's market minute to learn what buyers and sellers are doing to navigate our current market with success.
Buyers & Sellers Seize Opportunities With Being Prepared
Tune into this month's market minute to learn what buyers and sellers are doing to navigate our current market with success.
Rates Schmates! I'm Helping Homebuyers Keep Mortgages Affordable
In the market to buy but the rates are making you take a pause? Tune in to hear why it’s more expensive to wait than to find a creative way to achieve your homeownership goals today. Contact me anytime to discuss a strategy for your success.
Despite Interest Rates Buyers & Sellers Have Adjusted
Tune in to this month's market minute to hear what buyers and sellers are doing to adjust to our current market.
What Our Rebounding Market Looks Like for Buyers and Sellers
Like summer in the PNW, our housing market is heating up! Tune in to hear what buyers and sellers can do this season to achieve their goals.